Citadel vallejo conversion chart
Citadel vallejo conversion chart

citadel vallejo conversion chart

Built-in color swatch: Many colors have RGB approximations available, click on the row to see a color swatch where available. Want it sorted by Testors color number - no problem just click on the title of the Testors column. No problem, simply click to select Humbrol and Testors and you're done. For example, Airfix kit instructions use Humbrol references for painting information but you want to use Testors Model Master on your kit. Now you can, in real-time, see direct comparisons* between over 25 different standards and ranges.

citadel vallejo conversion chart

Many modellers have their favorite ranges of paint they like to use on their models but seldom do the kit makers include those references implicitly. Welcome to, the home of The Ultimate Model Paint Conversion Chart - the internet’s premiere model paint reference site established in 2006. Online realtime model paint conversion Find the model paint you want in the range you want. Coming soon are ranges such as Hataka, AK Interactive, Italeri, Ammo by Mig Jimenez, Army Painter, check the news page for the latest updates.

citadel vallejo conversion chart

Typically used by USAF/US Navy Etc RAL (Reichs-Ausschuss für Lieferbedingungen) - Defining color tones from Germany since 1927 RLM (Reichsluftfahrt Ministerium) - German Air Ministry paint designations 1933-1945 BS381c (British Standard 381c) - Used by RAF/Royal Navy etc Humbrol, Tamiya, Vallejo, Testors Model Master, White Ensign, Life Color, Gunze Aqueous, Mr Color, XtraColor/Crylix, Revell, Airfix, Heller, Polly Scale, Pactra, Andrea Color, Citadel Colours and more. Most model paint ranges and brands are covered along with all the major standards - FS595 (Federal Standard 595a/b/c) - Now superceded by AMS595.

citadel vallejo conversion chart

Citadel vallejo conversion chart